October 30, 2011

Earthlings film

When reading up on veganism, lots of people mentioned this film.  It is a documentary narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.  It's about how we, as humans, treat animals.  The full film is available for viewing on You Tube.  I have only been able to watch a few minutes of it each month.
I watched a little more this morning, just to educate myself and re-affirm my reasons for becoming vegan.  I love being vegan, but I hate what happens to the animals.  When I see the animals, not only on this film, but in many undercover farm videos, I see innocent souls and bodies tortured in horrific ways.  The animals are often still alive while boiled and dismembered.  I wish I'd faced this truth and become vegan years ago.  Once you see it, the thought of eating animals and their secretions becomes so stomach-turning.  I think it's almost worse for animals who aren't killed right away (dairy cows and chicken-laying hens) because they live in such misery and suffer such abuse from their humans.
I wish I could let my cats hunt for themselves, so we're not supporting the factory farming and slaughter industries with their catfood.  I read dogs do very well on vegetarian diets, but cats don't always. 
Here's the film:

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