April 29, 2012

Asian creation

A lunch bowl of leftovers: pho noodles, mung beans, red chilis & garlic, raw local greens.  I thought to take the photo after I started eating.  It was good.

oatmeal raisin cookies

This was a simple recipe I adapted from The Joy of Vegan Baking.  I used a gluten-free flour mix instead of wheat flour, and added my own spices (nutmeg, cloves, cardamom.)  They would've been better with walnuts.  Next time!

farmer's market greens

This one tasted a bit like broccoli.  My neighbor said they call it "nanohana", which may mean something like "it is flower."  It's mustard flower in English.  I tastes delicious steamed.

I've been keeping my cooking simple, since we're moving soon, and I don't want to waste ingredients.  It's fun to get lots of in-season greens at the farmer's market.  Many of the greens I'll probably never have again.  Their spinach is delicious.